Assassins Creed Blood Lines

I've been keeping many patches on my account on adrive and I thought I could publish them all today so here's well I've mentioned the title on top already so you should already know what this is about. I tested this myself and it worked properly on GEN-C and M33-6

Please note that your original iso should be 772.1MB (809631744 bytes) after ripping and converted to cso becomes 389.14MB way too small isn't it? That means you can add more games on your memory stick....


Important Note: Make sure you have .NET Framework installed on your computer for the program to run otherwise it will not work. Get it here:

I already made instructions here I also uploaded the fixed cso is you want to get it then do so.

File Type: 7z
Size: 7.4MB (7712670 bytes)


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